Sung, Jung-hyun
Patent Attorney, Korea (2001)
2012 Seoul National University, Future Integrated-technology Course
2007 Soongsil University, Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
1991 Seoul National University, Cloth & Textile (B.S.)
2017 Consultant for University Technology Holding Company, Ministry of Education (-present)
2017 Member of Evaluation Committee, Ministry of Science
2015 Member of Project Management Committee, National Research Foundation (-present)
2014 Adjunct Professor, Dongguk University (-present)
2013 Member of Institutional Review Board (IRB), Cha University Hospital
2010 Adjunct Professor, KAIST, Master of Intellectual Property (-present)
2008 Managing Partner, HMP IP Firm (-present)
2002 HWP Law Firm
2000 37th Patent Attorney Exam
1991 Samsung SDS, Information Systems Team
Patent prosecution on behalf of universities such as KAIST, Korea University, Pusan National University, Chungnam University and Incheon University
Patent prosecution on behalf of medical institutions such as Seoul National University Hospital, National Cancer Center, Samsung Hospital, Asan Medical Center and St Mary's Hospital
Trademark and design Prosecution on behalf of Naver, Hyundai Heavy Industries, LS Mtron, Buoyoung, Samsung Life, CJ, Seoul Milk, Casamia, Deco, etc.
Consulting on Intellectual Property for MSD, CJ Lion, Daewoo E & C, Hanwha E & C, S-OIL, Geumgang Ogilvy, Daehong Communications, etc.
Invalidation actions of design rights related to beverage bottles, construction materials, medical devices, household appliances, etc.
Invalidation action of trademark rights related to famous Korean trademarks such as “Samdasoo”, "Seoul Milk", "Angpang", “Bonjuk”, “Try”, “Speed 011”, “Karma”, "Gyeonggi Urban Innovation Corporation", etc.
Litigation regarding the infringement of design rights and trademark rights
Dispute Resolution related to the General Domain in WIPO
2017 Global Trademark Law (KAIST, Master of Intellectual Property)
2016 Contract for technology transfer and research (Seoul National University Hospital, Lecture Materials)
2014 Utilization of International Design Application (Ulsan Chamber of Commerce & Industry Newsletter, June 2014)
2014 Image Design Protection in IP5 countries (Naver, Seminar Materials)
2014 Patent Portfolio of Medical Device Technology (Dongguk University, Medical Device Industry Graduate School)
2013 Marketing and Copyright (Novartis, Seminar Materials)
2013 Intellectual Property in Fashion Industry (Jeju University, Lecture Materials)
2013 Intellectual Property Strategy of Medical Technology (Cha University Hospital, Lecture Materials)
2012 Protection of Software Intellectual Property (Hyundai Heavy Industries, Seminar Materials)
2012 Intellectual Property Rights (Chungnam University, Lecture Materials)
2011 Global Design Law (KAIST, Master of Intellectual Property)
2010 Case Study of Patent Infringement Litigation (Seoul National University Hospital, Lecture Materials)